Raspberry pi fldigi
Raspberry pi fldigi

raspberry pi fldigi


Below example with the FT232: VID PID RPI part 2-V1.1.docx /23ĩ However, if there was no sound, a manual configuration must be done in order to correctly switch the sound output. You should then refer to the manufacturer's website, or search with the VID (vendor identifier) and PID (product identifier).


But some transceivers (especially SDR) require specific drivers (not discussed here). Usually the Raspberry PI already has the drivers for the most common devices. (first 3 lines) The inexpensive sound card CM108 and the CAT-System FT232 interface for the KX3 are connected. A keyboard and a mouse are connected to the Raspberry PI (first 2 lines) The ICOM 7300 transceiver is connected, we see the PCM2901 sound card internal to the TRX, the CAT-System CP2102 interface and its HUB. Examples (on the Raspberry Pi 3) : No external devices are connected to the Raspberry. So how do you know if the Raspberry PI has detected something? - It's simple, use the lsusb command lsusb This command lists all USB devices connected to the Raspberry PI. What happens when you connect a USB device to the Raspberry PI? - Visually nothing at all (Except for USB memory sticks). RPI part 2-V1.1.docx /23Ħ 2.5 Connect a USB device to the Raspberry PI It is interesting to know the exact name of the USB devices you are using in order to configure the radio software correctly. It is also possible to use a USB signalink style box instead of the USB sound card. But there are other more powerful models. It will also be necessary to connect the USB / RS232 cable reserved for the CAT-System. It is possible to insert a USB Isolator (galvanic isolation) between the TRX and the Raspberry PI RPI with an Elecraft KX3 As the Raspberry PI does not have a sound input, you will need to add an external USB sound card to connect the audio inputs/outputs of the TRX. The connection is made with a simple USB cable type A-B. I will only retain two cables, one with an ICOM7300 and the other with an Elecraft KX RPI with an ICOM 7300 The TRX has a USB connector allowing its total management with a PC. RPI part 2-V1.1.docx /23ĥ 2.4 Transceiver connection I can't mention all the possibilities of connection with TRX. Take advantage of a break or lunch to make a backup of the operating system (This operation can be done at any time) - Insert a reader with its blank msd card into a free USB port on the Raspberry PI. I hope this document will make other OMs want to make detailed explanatory tutorials and not just a briefing note listing incomplete command lines in GitHub or in a blog. Having more and more free Open Source Radio utilities is really in the Radio Amateur spirit. Also think about the ferrite cores on the connection cables around the Raspberry Pi. Before any modifications or additions of programs, remember to save the msd card so that you can go back very easily.

raspberry pi fldigi

As far as possible, I will try to keep this description up to date once a year, because the evolution of the Raspberry and the operating system requires constant modifications. For each radio utility installed, I chose what seems to me the easiest, limiting as much as possible the command lines for beginners.


There are different possibilities to install a software on a Linux environment. In this description, I tried to be as clear as possible with as many screenshots as possible.

Raspberry pi fldigi