Hal 9000 computer
Hal 9000 computer

(.) a first test version of the scene was carried out with a real baby shot against a black velvet background. "(.) The original prop, which was thought lost, has resurfaced after Kubrick's death in the production materials that the director kept in his humongous archives, and is now part of the traveling exhibition of Stanley Kubrick Archives. Original "Starchild" prop by Liz Moore "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) Ich wünsche Euch eine schöne November-Woche! Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt ihm auch etwas abgewinnen ) Ich hatte erst überlegt, ein Zwei-Foto-Fokus-Stacking zu machen, damit auch der Fadenzähler im Fokus sein würde, dachte dann aber "Wenn schon seltsam, dann richtig – ein Foto muss reichen." Und irgendwie mag ich das komische Fadenzähler- und Blütenspitzen-Bokeh. Und von allen (un)geeigneten Dingen habe ich dann einfach eine verwelkte Herbstasternblüte hinter das kleine Vergrößerungsglas des Fadenzählers gestellt. Irgendwann fiel mein Blick bei der Suche nach etwas Interessantem auf den alten, zusammenklappbaren Messing-Fadenzähler meiner Mutter. Tja, mir wollte zu diesem Thema einfach nichts einfallen ich habe dies und das fotografiert und fand mal wieder nichts davon brauchbar. Vermutlich nicht ) Ihr fragt Euch wahrscheinlich, was Ihr hier seht.

hal 9000 computer

Ich weiß nicht, ob das hier irgendeinen Sinn ergibt. I didn't do much processing here, just the necessary RAW development in DXO, and then added a slightly matte look in Analog Efex. I hope you like it, too, although I could understand if you didn't ) But then I thought "One shot has to do." Plus I kind of like the strange-looking thread counter and petal bokeh. I considered doing a two image focus stacking, one image with focus on the tiny tubular flowers at the centre of the blossom, and one with the thread counter in focus. Why, when a thread would have been the obvious choice? I really don't know. And of all possible and (un)likely things I put a withered aster blossom behind it. Then I stumbled upon my Mom's old collapsible linen tester / thread counter. HAL turned into a flower power hippie? I really wasn't sure what to do for the theme, tried various things, didn't like any – you know the story. Does this make any sense at all? I guess not ) You might wonder what you're looking at. The console will also be able to get updates from the internet, bringing in new functions to the functional art piece.I don't know. This model is limited to (of course) 2001 units, and includes the Bluetooth Speaker Edition, power supply, desk stand and a numbered and signed certificate. Say, "Open the pod bay doors," and HAL will definitely still not be able to do that. It will include a replica command console to mount the Bluetooth HAL into, and it will recognize your voice commands and respond with lines from the movie.

hal 9000 computer

The higher end model will eventually cost $1,199, but is available for $889 on Indigogo now. You can send any audio from your Bluetooth 4.0 computer, phone or tablet to this standalone HAL-9000. For $599, you'll also receive a desk stand and power supply "early bird" pledges of $419 will get you one from Indiegogo, as well. The first model is a Bluetooth-enabled rectangular HAL-9000 with a red-glowing lens/eye, brushed aluminum faceplate and built-in magnets that can be mounted on any metallic surface. Master Replicas Group has already achieved 358 percent funding on this Indiegogo project, which includes two versions of the iconic device. Sci-fi fans rejoice: You can now talk to your very own replica of the iconic HAL-9000 computer from Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C Clarke's seminal film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Hal 9000 computer